Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "barcelonaebooks"
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In April of this year (2012) Blanca Rosa Roca (Roca Editorial) with the collaboration of Micheal Gordon (son of Noah Gordon) created, Barcelonaebooks . A label exclusively dedicated to the publication of digital books in English from Roca Editorial’s catalogue and from other Spanish publishing houses. Open Road , one of the American publishers, who pioneers in digital publishing and who distributes worldwide, has also joined this society.... - Read more

Open Road Integrated Media, an established digital publisher and multimedia content company, and Barcelona eBooks, a new English-language digital publishing house present the novel by Sergio Vila-San Juan "A Barcelona Heiress". This book published in 2010 by Destino Publisher House, is now translated into English and can be found as an ebook all around the world.   “A powerful chronicle of Barcelonaduring the 20s, which allows us to... - Read more

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