Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "estad������������sticas sector editorial"
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“Written in a musical format in four movements and a coda, the reader will travel throughout this text accompanied by musical terms, amidst harrowing situations and the most intimate feelings of its protagonists. “Concert for Leah” is the story of a young woman with a prodigious talent for the violin, whose goal is to become a soloist. In 1939 Leah, her parents and sister leave Hamburg go to Cuba in a ship full of Jews that,... - Read more

For the last couple of weeks rumors have been rife about unexplainable events. Some students claim to have been attacked by an invisible force; others swear that they’ve seen objects moving in the air by their own accord, or have felt a strange presence stalking them throughout the corridors. What are we facing, exactly? At the editorial office of Voces we’ve gathered theories for all tastes, but the paranormal explanation is the... - Read more

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