Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "novedad"
It shows from 1 to 5 of 5 results

The novel La tristeza del samurái , (The Sadness of the Samurai) (Editorial Alrevés, 2011) continues its voyage around the world; accumulating success and recognition. The novel already known and recognized with the award Le Prix Polar Européen in France, has been recently published in paperback format by the publishing house Actes Sud; ( La Tristesse du Somouraï ). In the upcoming month of February this thriller with... - Read more

Only two days after its release in Peru the latest novel by Alonso Cueto, “ Cuerpos secretos ” ( Secret Bodies ), has already been listed on the bestseller list for this South American country. During the Ricardo Palma Book Fair 2012, “Cuerpos secretos” ( Secret Bodies ) published by Editorial Planeta Peru, was the most successful book, as far as activities relating to the novel as with number of assistants during the... - Read more

« Para viajar lejos, no hay mejor nave que un libro »,    Emily Dickinson .          Estamos en el punto álgido del verano, la mayoría ya estamos o estaremos en breve en esas esperadas vacaciones. Momento para relajarnos, pasear, reír, compartir y leer. En la agencia hemos tomado vacaciones de manera escalonada por lo que estos primeros días de agosto, en los que el... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 5 results
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