Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "portugal"
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Desamparo is the bittersweet saga of a woman who returns to Portugal for the first time in more than fifty years to meet the mother she'd lost when taken off at three years of age by her father, to Brazil. Written with intelligence, compassion and dark humor, and set in an imaginary village in Portugal that serves as a microcosm and a crossroads for the global ebb and flow of immigrants and emigrants, strivers and losers, a community of the... - Read more

For many historians, Inés de Castro was an intriguing and able woman, moved by ambition, in whose aura political intrigues were schemed and interesting palatial shenanigans played out. For poets and playwright, a lovely woman that lived one of history’s most fascinating passions. Maria Pilar Queralt del Hierro narrates with vivaciousness and agility the story of a love that beat death, the life of a woman that lived with passion... - Read more

Reyes Calderón (Spain, 1961) is PhD in Economics and Philosophy, a professor and first vice-dean of the Faculty of Economics Sciences and Business at the University of Navarra. She is a visiting professor at the Sorbonne and at the University of Berkley, and centres her professional career focusing on good governance and anti-corruption. Columnist and habitual lecturer, she combines her academic work with writing. Reyes Calderón... - Read more

In 1992 she published her first book of poems, Querrán ponerle nombre, followed by Las palabras de la piedra (1993). Two years later she won the Premio de Poesía "Ciudad de Irún" with Contra el desprestigio de la altura. Some of her poetical works have been included in Tarde tranquila. Omaggio alla poesia, an anthology of poetry published in Italy. She has published the novels Algún amor que no mate (Plaza & Janés,1996), launched in Greece... - Read more

Released less than a month ago, María Pilar Queralt's latest book,  As Mulheres do Marquês de Pombal, has become a great success in Portugal. Two weeks ago it was placed at number seven in the Non Fiction category of the best seller list by the bookstore chain Bulhosa, and last week it reached number one among History books in FNAC Portugal. Diario de Noticias echoed the news of the splendid public reaction to the... - Read more

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