Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "argentina"
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He was born in Mexico, D.F. in 1961. He has a degree in Psychology and a master in Creative Writing for the New Mexico State University. He has published many books. Among his Children and YA fiction titles we can find Los ensebados (1993, Premio Nacional de Novela Juvenil FILIJ), El secreto de Gorco (1994, Premio Nacional de Cuento Infantil FILIJ), Miedo, el mundo de al lado (1994, Premio Nacional de Novela Juvenil FILIJ), Las montaņas azules... - Read more

Eduardo Sguiglia (Argentina, 1952) retired full professor from the UBA and the first Argentine Ambassador to Angola. He is the author of several investigative pieces and essays, such as Agustin Tosco and El club de los poderosos (The Club of the Powerful), which received two national awards for economics. His short stories and novels – Fordlandia (Norma, 1997. St. Martin Press/USA, Europa Verlag/Germany and Iluminuras/Brazil), No te fies... - Read more

© Gentileza Alejandra López Reynaldo Sietecasas was born in Rosario, Argentina. He is a writer and journalist. Author of the novels "Un crimen argentino" (An Argentine Crime) (2002, Alfaguara), "A cuántos hay que matar" (How Many Must We Kill) (2010, Alfaguara), "No pidas nada" (Ask for Nothing) (2017, Alfaguara), and "La Rey" (2024, Alfaguara). He published the short story collection "Pendejos" (Fools) (2007, Alfaguara) and... - Read more

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