Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "france"
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Víctor Del Árbol (Spain, 1968) holds a degree in History from the University of Barcelona. He worked as an officer of the Catalan police force from 1992 to 2012. In 2003, he was the runner-up for the VIII Fernando Lara Award with El abismo de los sueños ( The Abyss of Dreams ) and in 2006, he won the Tiflos de Novela Award with the El peso de los muertos ( Weight of the Dead ). His novel La tristeza del samurai ( The... - Read more

In 1992 she published her first book of poems, Querrán ponerle nombre, followed by Las palabras de la piedra (1993). Two years later she won the Premio de Poesía "Ciudad de Irún" with Contra el desprestigio de la altura. Some of her poetical works have been included in Tarde tranquila. Omaggio alla poesia, an anthology of poetry published in Italy. She has published the novels Algún amor que no mate (Plaza & Janés,1996), launched in Greece... - Read more

Ana Clavel  was born in Mexico City in 1961. She holds an M.A. in Latin American literature from UNAM. She is the author of the short story collections:  Out of Scene  (1984),  Raving Loving People  (1992),  Trembling Paradises  (2002), and the volume of collected short stories  Love and Other Suicides  (2012).  She was awarded the National Short Story Prize Gilberto Owen in 1991 , and the... - Read more

Santiago Pajares  (Madrid, 1979).  For nine years he combined his work as a programmer with that of writing. At twenty-five he made his debut as a novelist with El paso de la hélice ( The Passing of the Propeller , 2004, 2014). Afterwards he published La mitad de uno ( Half of One , 2006), El lienzo ( The Canvass , 2009) and La Lluvia de Ionah ( Ionah’s Rain , 2016). His work has been hailed by the international critique... - Read more

Sergio Ramírez was born in 1942 in Masatepe, Nicaragua. He published his first short stories at the age of eighteen. Whilst studying law he founded the literary magazine “Ventana” (“Window”) and in 1970 published his first novel, Tiempo de fulgor (Glaring Times). Since then till Tongolele no sabía bailar (Tongolele did not know how to dance) there have appeared Ya nadie llora por mí (No One No... - Read more

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