Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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-Represented by The Colchie Agency- Dr. Roberto Canessa made history in December of 1972 for being one of sixteen young rugby players who endured months of severe cold, injuries, starvation, and isolation after their plane crashed into the snowcapped Andes—an event that inspired the film Alive. He is a renowned pediatric cardiologist recognized worldwide for his work, particularly with newborn patients and patients in utero, at the... - Read more

Luisa Castro was born in Foz (Lugo) in 1966 and holds a degree in Hispanic philology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. A twenty-one she was awarded the Premio Hiperión de Poesia, for Los Versos del Eunuco  ( The Eunuch’s Verses ), and at twenty-four was the runner-up of the Premio Herralde de Novela for El Somier ( The Mattress ). Ever since, she has worked as a literary critic and collaborated for newspapers such as... - Read more

Alonso Cueto (Lima, 1954) is the author of several novels, short stories, and essays. Cueto has won several distinctions for his literary work, including the prestigious Herralde Award (Spain 2005) for his novel La Hora Azul ( The Blue Hour ), the 2007 Casa de Ámericas-Planeta second-place prize for his novel Susurro de la Mujer Ballena ( Sigh of the Whale Woman ) and the Anna Seghers Prize for his body of work (Germany, 2000). In 2006,... - Read more

  Marcelo Luján (Buenos Aires, 1973) settled in Madrid, Spain, at the begin-ning of 2001, where he currently works as a coordinator of cultural activities and workshops for literary creation. He has published short stories books Flowers for Irene (Premio Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2003), In Some Heaven (Premio Ciudad de Alcalá de Narrativa 2006) and The Detour (Premio Kutxa Ciudad de San Sebastián 2007). He has also... - Read more

-Represented by The Colchie Agency- The Colombian author Laura Restrepo has been a professor of literature at the National University of Colombia, as well as editor of the Bogota weekly magazine Semana , where she covered the drug trade for 12 years.  In 1984, she was a member of the Peace Commission that brought the Colombian government and the guerrillas to the negotiating table, an experience she later recorded in her first book History... - Read more

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