Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "the last passenger"
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Isabel Abenia was born in Zaragoza, she holds a law degree and has taken Art and Medieval History courses in her native city. She is a writer and painter, before the appearance of The Last Sybil , she published The Alchemist and Erik the Goth .... - Read more

Maitane Vierbucher was born in Pamplona, although she lives in Gipuzkoa. She studied Graphic Arts and later did a Master's Degree in IT, followed by one in Digital Marketing and Business Communication Management (she received the Cambridge International Diploma in Business Communication). As May Boeken, she has published the duology Everlasting Wound I: All the Damned Decisions ( nominated for Best National New Adult Novel in the Romantic... - Read more

Reyes Calderón (Spain, 1961) is PhD in Economics and Philosophy, a professor and first vice-dean of the Faculty of Economics Sciences and Business at the University of Navarra. She is a visiting professor at the Sorbonne and at the University of Berkley, and centres her professional career focusing on good governance and anti-corruption. Columnist and habitual lecturer, she combines her academic work with writing. Reyes Calderón... - Read more

For forty-five years, Cela occupied the Chair Q of the Spanish Royal Academy of Language and won the Premio Principe de Asturias de las Letras in 1987, the Premio Cervantes in 1995 and, of course, the Nobel 1989.  The jury on this last prize highlighted the “provocative vision of helplessness in all human being” present throughout all of the author’s output; a vision that soaks “The Family of Pascual Duarte”,... - Read more

In 1992 she published her first book of poems, Querrán ponerle nombre, followed by Las palabras de la piedra (1993). Two years later she won the Premio de Poesía "Ciudad de Irún" with Contra el desprestigio de la altura. Some of her poetical works have been included in Tarde tranquila. Omaggio alla poesia, an anthology of poetry published in Italy. She has published the novels Algún amor que no mate (Plaza & Janés,1996), launched in Greece... - Read more

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