Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "thriller"
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Víctor Del Árbol (Spain, 1968) holds a degree in History from the University of Barcelona. He worked as an officer of the Catalan police force from 1992 to 2012. In 2003, he was the runner-up for the VIII Fernando Lara Award with El abismo de los sueños ( The Abyss of Dreams ) and in 2006, he won the Tiflos de Novela Award with the El peso de los muertos ( Weight of the Dead ). His novel La tristeza del samurai ( The... - Read more

Luis Miguel Ariza  is a journalist and writer; he has a degree in Biology and a Master in Investigative Journalism from the Complutense University. Author of four novels (The Shadow of the Shaman; Kraken; Project Lazarus and The Children from the Heavens), he likes mixing science with suspense and the thriller with history, creating forbidden cocktails. He was co-screenwriter for the scientific series for RTVE; 2.Mil, he collaborated with... - Read more

  Alejandro Corral is a writer and economist, with a degree in Business Administration and Senior Technician in Cultural Management. He is the managing director of Taller de Historia S. L. and the author of sev-eral articles on economics and economic history. He has collaborated with NGOs in social and cultural de-velopment projects in Central America. As a writer, he lectures and runs workshops on creative writing and has published the... - Read more

Eva García Sáenz de Urturi (Vitoria) published her first novel, La saga de los longevos (The Immortal Collection), in 2012, which became a sales phenomenon and was translated into English and well received in the United States and the United Kingdom. In 2014, the second instalment to the saga, Los hijos de Adán ( The Sons of Adam ) saw the light, and also the historical novel Pasaje a Tahití ( Passage to Tahiti ). In... - Read more

Sofía Parra , a writer, communicator, and digital marketing specialist, was raised in Priego, Cuenca. In 2016, she published her first work: "De ti para mí" (From You to Me), a standalone urban fantasy book. In 2020, she began publishing the trilogy "El lamento de las flores" (The Lament of the Flowers), composed of "Gazania," "Juliet y Dalia," and "Melisa." It is a psychological thriller saga set in Spain, with investigative... - Read more

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