Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "apocalipsis"
It shows from 1 to 3 of 3 results
What would happen if one day you wake up to a civilization that is falling to pieces? This is the situation in which the hero of Apocalypse Z finds himself in; a young lawyer who lives a relaxed life of routine in a small provincial Spanish town, until an obscure medical incident occurs in the remote country of Caucaso. Progressively what was a merely a commentary in the international news media becomes an epidemic of devastating proportions... - Read more

The survivors from the Zombie Apocalypse have an opportunity; they’ve been rescued at sea by one of the last remaining organized groups of the Living that exist on the planet. Forced to accompany their rescuers, they reach the Gulf of Mexico, a place that seems to flourish under the benevolent command of a mysterious preacher. Despite the illusions of the entire city acting as though the Apocalypse had never broken loose, they soon... - Read more

The survivors from Apocalypse Z, manage to reach the Canary Islands, one of the last existing Undead free zones. But what they confront there is a locked military state in the midst of a civil war, with a starving population that has hardly enough resources to survive. But what they’d never imagine is that one man’s wickedness could endanger the rest of the civilization that remains….... - Read more

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