Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "carlos fuentes"
It shows from 1 to 5 of 26 results
  "Shooting at someone means taking away what they have lived and what they have left to live, but shooting at a girl means that anyone can be shot." Summer 2019 on the south-side of Madrid. The neighborhood streets are accustomed to mangled bodies, to the violence of prostitution and drugs, and even to the fights that cause breathlessness. But this time it's different. Shot at point-blank, the dreams and hopes of Carla, a... - Read more

The journalist Patricia Bucana (the main character in another novel by this author) dives headlong into the exciting mission of unravelling the truth in a dodgy, confused and rotten world, in which nothing is what it looks like and nothing is what it should be. Her discoveries and her implication take her to the edge of the abyss, to society’s sewers. Pigs and Chickens talks about journalist and police corruption, of a gray world of lies... - Read more

The narrator, a journalist who has worked developing profiles of men devoted to adventure, is faced with a threat up until now unknown to him. On this occasion, he by chance meets Carlos Marín in the city, Marín is an integral mountain climber that never managed to become a legend, but is among the most respected, and who has been missing for some time now in the mountaineering... - Read more

Carlos Aurensanz signs, with the historical thoroughness, one of his most emotional and moving novels. The author pays tribute to all the brave ones who showed us that the most precious thing in life is that for which we would be willing to die.    A HISTORICAL BREAKOUT NARRATED AT THRILLER PACE   May 22, 1938. Thousands of men remain imprisoned inside the San Cristobal prison. Behind its walls, the Civil War mercilessly destroys... - Read more

After his father’s death, the Chilean journalist Sebastián Torres travels to California to enroll in a doctorate degree in Literature. At the university he meets the legendary academic of religious studies Oliver Ryan and the latter’s disciple: his compatriot, Max Infante. The professor suddenly dies and Infante discovers that his professor kept an extraordinary discovery in secret for years: he had received, under strange... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 26 results
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