Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "fraud"
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The magazine Nuevo Mundo called him “The champion of fraud”; The New York Times, “The master falsifier”; Le Figaro, “The king of Thieves”; ABC, “The new Fantomas”, El Heraldo de Madrid, “A high-fly swindler”… The period’s press reported on his feats; more than a thousand frauds to different banks throughout the world and seven cheated wives. Those who knew him or were... - Read more

“Were you scared by the Blood?” written by Sergio Ramirez in Berlin between 1973 and 1975, is a novel whose main characters, as the author makes clear in the prologue to this edition, are “failed conspirators, military men who pay with their lives the uprising, prisoners living in cages next to those of wild beasts, exiles without fortune, wandering hawkers, godforsaken cabaret bartenders, musical trios dragged about by the... - Read more

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