Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "camilo josé cela"
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AK Digital is a project that the Literary Agency founded with the principal goal to help the authors that it represents so that their previously edited books that currently have their rights free, can be offered exclusively in digital format, as an effort to conserve the validity of these works through the opportunities that these technologies can offer. At this time we are proud to present as first of the authors we represent, and within this... - Read more

This year marks the first centenary of the birth of writer Camilo José Cela, and has been declared by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture as “an event of special public interest”. For forty-five years, Cela occupied the Chair Q of the Spanish Royal Academy of Language and won the Premio Principe de Asturias de las Letras in 1987, the Premio Cervantes in 1995 and, of course, the Nobel 1989.  The jury on... - Read more

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