Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "francia"
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“El Festival du premier roman de Chambéry is the only literary manifestation in France to work towards the discovery and promotion of novel French language and novel European authors through writing. In effect, 3000 demanding and passionate readers make the selection, after one year of debates and lectures, the novel writers that have won the most attention are invited to the Festival. Every year 15 novel French language writers... - Read more

The (Mexican) author Sabina Berman has recently been acknowledged in Europe, on this occasion in France, with the award (Prix del Lecteurs de la ville de Vicennes) for her novel “ The Woman who Dove into the Heart of the World ” (Moi, Éditions du Seuil, 2011). This award was created in 2006 by the Library Network (Association) of the city of Vicennes with the goal to present an acknowledgement to an author invited to the... - Read more

The novel La tristeza del samurái , (The Sadness of the Samurai) (Editorial Alrevés, 2011) continues its voyage around the world; accumulating success and recognition. The novel already known and recognized with the award Le Prix Polar Européen in France, has been recently published in paperback format by the publishing house Actes Sud; ( La Tristesse du Somouraï ). In the upcoming month of February this thriller with... - Read more

The French weekly newspaper; Le Point, has distinguished the 25 best books published in France in 2012. All genres, French and foreign, compete for a place on this list. This year appearing in this selection, the novel by Spanish author, Víctor del Árbol titled (in French) “La tristesse du samouraÏ” (Actes Sud). This story of intrigue, hate, love and guilt takes place in two important historical periods in Spain,... - Read more

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