Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "jorge dezcallar"
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Today Valió la pena reaches bookstores, the memoirs of the diplomat Jorge Dezcállar. The notes and memories of Jorge Dezcállar include his years as ambassador in the Vatican; in Lebanon, after the assassination of the former Spanish leader Pedro de Arístegui, or his mission in the United States and his participation in the Dayton Conference for pacification of the Balkans. Dezcállar was also director of the... - Read more


Here there are the latest deals done after and during the Frankfurt Book Fair:   Rights of El paso de la hélice by Santiago Pajares has been acquired by Destino (World Spanish), Objetiva (Brazil – two book deal in pre-empt), Rizzoli (Italy – pre-empt), Signatuur (The Netherlands - pre-empt), and Libri (Hungary – pre-empt).     La lluvia de Ionah (Ionah´s Rain) by Santiago Pajares has been acquired... - Read more

Two years after being awarded with the Planeta-Casamérica prize for La tejedora de sombras (Planeta), Jorge Volpi returns with Memorial del engaño (Alfaguara), a very singular book that presents itself as the memoirs of J. Volpi, one of the biggest financial criminals of our time. Mixing family drama with crime fiction, Volpi has written a book filled with tricks and traps, in which he investigates the origins of one of the most... - Read more

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