Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "seville"
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Catalan writer Mercedes Abad returns after five years of silence with La niña gorda (The Fat Girl, Páginas de Espuma). A group of interwoven short stories, the girl in the title (a character inspired by the author when she was a child, or an imaginary double of hers in her adult age) is the guiding figure through all the stories, in which humor and irony mix with sadness to speak about childhood and adolescence, about women. La... - Read more

The writer Gonzalo Giner has obtained the XXV Fernando Novel Prize Lara with the work "The green mist". The Jury for this Award made the decision public during an award ceremony held at the Casa Guardiola in Seville. The novel is a fast-paced adventure, a moving ecologist plea, a hymn to conservationism and a great love story in the legendary African jungle. In the words of the author, « The green haze  It is a... - Read more

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