Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "zombies"
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On July 11th the Italian publishing house “Nord” launched the last book from the popular trilogy by the author Manel Loureiro; Apocalisse Z L’ira dei Giusti (Apocalypse Z: The Wrath of the Righteous.) The trilogy has had worldwide success, with translations in more than 10 languages, online million sales, and with devout fans in Italy who have requested the last episode of this tale of Zombies. Italian Publications: 1.... - Read more

The first book of the bestselling trilogy written by Manel Louriero , Apocalypse Z: The Beginning of the End, was published in Poland at the beginning of the October, by MUZA Publishing House ( Apokalipsa Z, Poczatek Konca , translated by Joanna Ostrowska y Grzegorz Ostrowski). With its release, the publishing house invited the author to visit the city of Warsaw and to inaugurate the promotion for this novel. During his stay Manel Loureiro was... - Read more

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