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El mapa del cielo

Palma, Félix J.

Year: 2012
Editorial: Random House Mondadori
Language: Español, Catalán
Published at: Sonia Draga (Poland), Scribe (Australia), Hayakawa (Japan), Corpus Books (Russia), Trei (Romania), Rowohlt (Germany), Alberto Castelvecchi (Italy), Iztok Zapad (Bulgaria), Európa Könyvkiadó (Hungary), Simon & Schuster (USA), Iztok Zapad (Bulgaria), Host (Czech Republic)
Synopsis: Beware what you wish for... for it might just come true.

In the sweltering summer of 1835, a man made the world dream by disclosing that the moon was inhabited by unicorns, bat men and other fantastic creatures. And although it was no long before it was proven that the whole thing was a hoax, many preferred continuing to believe that the dreams which could make their lives more beautiful were stocked up there.

More than sixty years later, this man´s great-granddaughter, Emma Harlow, sough-after by New York´s cream of the crop, knows that she will only be able to fall in love with someone who will make the world dream, as her great-grandfather had done. This is why she demands from her most indefatigable suitor, Montgomery Gilmore, he recreate the extraterrestrial invasion described in H.G. Wells´ The War of the Worlds. But nothing seems impossible for this millionaire: the martians will invade the earth, even if this time around it is for the sake of love.

What happens when dreams turn into nightmares? Must we quit dreaming?

Web of The Map of Heaven

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other works of the author -

El mapa del caos El mapa del caos
Plaza & Janés, 2014
El mapa del tiempo El mapa del tiempo
Algaida, 2008
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