Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Nadie en esta tierra

Árbol, Víctor del

Year: 2023
Editorial: Destino
Literary Category: police, black and suspense
ISBN: 978-84-233-6271-4
Format: Paperback with flaps
Pages: 440

When all is lost, only getting down to the truth remains.

No one on that land was innocent. No one forgot. No one forgave.

A character whose voice we hear, but whose presence we do not see, sows corpses in a quiet village on the Galician coast. An inspector whose days are numbered and who seeks to do justice. Half a dozen lives caught between the past and the present. How to do the right thing when you can lose that which you love?

Julián Leal (Loyal) is a police inspector in Barcelona who lives up to his last name: he has always been loyal to the force which he belongs to, to his people and even to his origins in a remote Galician village. In fact, the first thing he does when diagnosed with a serious illness is to return to his native village after a thirty-year absence, out of loyalty to his old childhood gang and to make peace with his past. But back home he is received with mistrust and hostility. As his father used to say: "sometimes, looking for one's roots one ends up finding the earth."

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other works of the author -

La tristeza del Samurái La tristeza del Samurái
Alrevés, 2011
Respirar por la herida Respirar por la herida
Alrevés, 2013
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