Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

authors - With over 30 years of experience, we represent 150 authors from different literary styles

La gran bruma

Year: 2001
Editorial: Espasa-Calpe
Language: Español, Catalán
Pages: 216
Synopsis: This is a novel written in the best tradition of Cervantes. For the second time in his life, Inspector Malo, dramatically divorced from his wife and missing his son, is involved in one of those cases that all policemen know they should avoid. The forbidden land of politicians, high finance, and great ambitions -everything related to Power that has no barriers and that remains untouched after the changes brought about in the last democratic elections.

The appearance of Ana Uría -wife of an ex-colleague of Malo, that disappeared in France during a special mission-is the starting point of this thriller, not lacking in humour, in which we discover a society where the truth is usually concealed.

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other works of the author -

Retratos de ambigú Retratos de ambigú
Ediciones Destino, 1988
La forma de la noche La forma de la noche
Rey Lear, 2010
El juego del diábolo El juego del diábolo
Páginas de Espuma, 2008
Nuestros hijos volarán con el siglo Nuestros hijos volarán con el siglo
Salto de Página, 2013
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