
Ramírez, Sergio

Nicaragua, 1942

Sergio Ramírez was born in 1942 in Masatepe, Nicaragua. He published his first short stories at the age of eighteen. Whilst studying law he founded the literary magazine “Ventana” (“Window”) and in 1970 published his first novel, Tiempo de fulgor (Glaring Times). Since then till Tongolele no sabía bailar (Tongolele did not know how to dance) there have appeared Ya nadie llora por mí (No One No Longer Cries for Me, Alfaguara, 2017), Un baile de mascaras (Masked Ball), Castigo Divino (Divine Punishment) (Premio Dashiel Hammett in 1990), Margarita está linda la mar (Margarita How Beautiful the Sea) (Premio Alfaguara in 1998), Mil y una muertes (One Thousand and One Deaths), La Fugitiva, (The Fugitive), or the detective novel El cielo llora por mi (The Sky Cries for Me). Another of his constant genres has been the short story, of which stand out the volumes El reino animal (Animal Kingdom), Perdón y olvido (Forgivness and Oblivion), Flores oscuras (Dark Flowers) and his Personal Anthology, 50 Years of Short Stories (Oceáno Mexico, 2017). But also the recollection, Adiós muchachos (Goodbye Fellows, 1999), the essay Mentiras verdaderas (True Lies, 2001) and the indefatigable oped writer. His books have been translated into 20 languages.

His latest novel is Ese día cayó en domingo (That Day Fell on a Sunday, 2022).

• Cervantes Prize 2017

• Premio Iberoamericano de Letras José Donoso, awarded by the Universidad de Talca, Chile, 2011

• Premio Panamá Negro. Feria Internacional del Libro, Panamá, 2017.

• Premio Carlos Fuentes a la Creación Literaria (Spanish language), awarded in México, 2014.

• Premio del Festival Internacional Metrópolis Bleu, Montreal, Canadá, 2011

• Premio Latinoamericano José María Arguedas, 2000

• Premio Alfaguara de Novela, 1998

• Prix Laure Bataillon, 1998

• Premio Internacional Dashiel Hammett de Novela ,1995

• Named Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (France, 1993)

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