© Gentileza Alejandra López
Reynaldo Sietecasas was born in Rosario, Argentina.
He is a writer and journalist. Author of the novels "Un crimen argentino" (An Argentine Crime) (2002, Alfaguara), "A cuántos hay que matar" (How Many Must We Kill) (2010, Alfaguara), "No pidas nada" (Ask for Nothing) (2017, Alfaguara), and "La Rey" (2024, Alfaguara).
He published the short story collection "Pendejos" (Fools) (2007, Alfaguara) and eight poetry books. Much of this work was compiled in the anthologies: "Nadie es de nadie" (No One Belongs to Anyone) (2019, Sial Pigmalión, Spain) and "Lengua Sucia" (Dirty Language) (2020, Lumen).
The book "No hay tiempo que perder" (There's No Time to Lose) (2011, Aguilar) brings together a selection of his best chronicles.
He also published the journalistic investigation "Kamikazes, los mejores peores años de la Argentina" (Kamikazes, the Best Worst Years of Argentina) (2013, Aguilar) and the photographic essay "Desnudos de vidriera" (Naked Shop Windows) (2017, Reservoir).
In 2022, the film adaptation of "Un crimen argentino" was released, produced by Pampa Films and Warner Bros (currently on HBO Max and Filmin platforms).