
Freixas, Laura

España, 1958

Laura Freixas (Barcelona, 1958) studied in the French Licée in Barcelona. She got a degree in Law in 1980, but has always worked as a writer. She became known in 1988 with a collection of short stories; El asesino en la muñeca (Murder in the doll). In 1997 she published her first novel; Último domingo en Londres (The Last Sunday in London), followed by; Entre amigas (1998) (Between Friends)Amor o lo que sea (2005) (Love or whatever)Adolenscencia en Barcelona hacia 1970 (2007) (Adolenscence in Barcelona towards 1970), and Los otros son más felices (2011) (The Others are Happier). Her latest book is, Una vida subterráneo, Diario 1991-1994 (2013) (A Subterranean Life, Diary 1991-1994).

Parallel to her narrative work, Laura Freixas has dedicated much time to women's studies. In 1996 she coordinated and wrote the prologue for an anthology of short stories by contemporary Spanish women writers; Madres e hijas (Mothers and Daughters) having nine editions published in the first year. In 2000 she published the influential Essay; Literatura y mujeres (Literature and Women). In 2009 brough light on another anthology of similar character; Cuentos de amigas (Stories of Friends) as well as the work; La novela femenil y sus Lectrices (The Feminine Novel and its Readers) winning the Leonor de Guzmán Award. She has also published the biography about the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector, titled Ladrona de rosas (2010) (The Rose Thief).

Freixas gives literary workshops for diverse institutions and has been a professor, lecturer and invited writer in numerous Universities both in Spain and Iternationally. 


