Juan Pedro Aparicio was born in León. Since 1975, the year he published "El origen del mono y otros relatos" (The Origin of the Monkey and Other Stories), he has written novels ("Lo que es del César", "El año del francés", "La forma de la noche", "Malo en Madrid o el caso de la viuda polaca", "El viajero de Leicester" and "La gran bruma") and short story collections. He has also delved into essays, travel books, and so far has compiled his journalistic articles into two collections. In 1989, he won the Nadal Prize with "Retratos de ambigú" (Portraits of Ambiguity), and more recently, in 2005, he received the II Setenil Prize for Short Stories for the best book of stories published that year for "La vida en blanco" (Life in White). He collaborates with various media outlets and is currently the director of the Cervantes Institute in London. "La mitad del diablo" (2008) is his first book of microfiction, or quantum literature, as he himself suggests.
Literary Genres: historical fiction
Published at: Ediciones Destino (Spain) - Espasa-Calpe (Spain) - Páginas de Espuma - Rba - Rey Lear - Salto de Página (Spain)
Antonia Kerrigan