Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "boullosa"
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The Parnassus, literary congress which annually awards a prize for a master´s best unpublished work, changes venue and looks for a city that will host it in 2007. This festival has a peculiarity: the participants, authentic classics, are all dead. Dante Alighieri, symbolizing the consecrated and supervised by a young North American poet very much in vogue and a Mexican author (main narrator of the novel), will travel to Mexico, the... - Read more

  The story of our lives is not only that of the things that we've lost, it is also that of those few things which we decide to keep and that, in the end, cease to make sense to anyone other than those who are no longer around. Roger's phone starts ringing in the early morning; it can only be bad news or, perhaps, it's Denise, his ex, who is sorry and wants to get back together. That's all he can think as he tries to rescue the device that... - Read more

Along with her Cervantine inspiration, “Lepanto’s other Hand” has it all: Maria de Dancer travels throughout Christian and Moorish Granada, is taken captive in Algiers, travels to Naples, falls in love with a Spanish captain, participates in the Holy League, strikes up a friendship with the author of “Don Quixote”, who sick witharia is delirious on the galley ‘The Marchioness ’. A restatement in a... - Read more

Monday the 3 rd of December the film The Walls Talk , based on the novel homonym by the Mexican author Carmen Boullosa, will primer in theaters in Mexico City. The full-length film, directed by Antonio Zavala Kluger, will soon be accompanied by a new edition of the novel from the publishing house Ediciones Siruela (1 st edition, 2010) Sinopsis : This fascinating novel combines historical events that have marked the destiny of this nation with... - Read more

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