Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "destino"
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It could happen that you end up stranded in a spaceship close to the Ganymede, besieged by a fleet of Zarkians who threaten with destroying the Earth. You could discover that your friends and you, the biggest losers of MOTHER, the Confederation’s training spaceship, are the only ones who can help in the planet’s defense. You could discover what is the real reason why you are on board the spaceship, which is not the one that you... - Read more

After his heroic performance in the Battle of Ganimedes, Alex was hoping to be received like a hero and finally get the respect and admiration of all the officers. But the mysterious event that allows him and his friends to gain access to The Arrow and pilot it was witnessed  by  Captain Churé,  who  decides to expel him from MOTHER without a second thought. Alex is abandoned in the middle of an unpopulated place on... - Read more

Alex Colt is an orphan who lives in a shelter. One day he slides down a sliding chute but never reaches the ground. His body disappears from earth and reappears aboard an alien spaceship. Alex is conscious of this when he sees the moon flying by the hatchway, like a sign on the road informing you that you are leaving your village. He hardly gets to see them from the other side of the glass cylinder in which he travels.... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 70 results
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