Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "libro digital"
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Zaragoza (Spain), July 1808. A woman a little over the age of 20 pulls the linstock from the hands of a dead gunner and fires the cannon this one had at his charge. Her intervention, as daring as it is risky, forced the French troops that threatened the Zaragozan Puerta del Puertillo, and allowed General Palafox to rebuild the defense. The woman was born in Barcelona in 1768, and her name was Agustina Saragossa and would go down in history as... - Read more


  A house by the sea is for sale. Potential buyers visit it; some praise it, whilst others reject it. However, we are not listening to them, or to the real estate agent, for that matter.Who feels, is moved, reflects, and confesses before us, is the house itself, which from its walls, its floor and its ceiling, the skin and heartbeat of everything that occurs is transmitted.With an ironic and acid prose, that simultaneously caresses and... - Read more

The Master of the Tower swore vengeance before he died. No apprentice of magic must rebel against his Master, and yet, Dana, the current Mistress of the Tower, and Fenris, the elf, do just that. Now, seizing the opportunity of there being new disciples at the school, death is not going to prevent the Master from fulfilling his promise… [Translated into German, Catalan and French.]... - Read more

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