Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "memoirs"
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Two years after being awarded with the Planeta-Casamérica prize for La tejedora de sombras (Planeta), Jorge Volpi returns with Memorial del engaño (Alfaguara), a very singular book that presents itself as the memoirs of J. Volpi, one of the biggest financial criminals of our time. Mixing family drama with crime fiction, Volpi has written a book filled with tricks and traps, in which he investigates the origins of one of the most... - Read more

Tuesday November 11 th , Sergio Ramírez was awarded the Carlos Fuentes International Prize for Creative Writing given by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM ) and the National Council for Culture and Arts (CONACULTA). The members of the jury were Juan Goytisolo, Mario Vargas Llosa (Nobel Prize and also awarded the first edition of this Prize), Soledad Puértolas, Margo Glantz and Gonzalo Celorio, who chose Sergio... - Read more

The publication of Valió la pena (It was worth it), the book of memoirs by the diplomat and ex-director of the CNI Jorge Dezcallar, has not left anyone indifferent. Three days after its launch, the second edition came out just as it reached the spot in the top 100 general sales on, ranking in what in the last few days climbed to number 7. But Valió la pena has not been distinguished only for the great number of sales.... - Read more

Today Valió la pena reaches bookstores, the memoirs of the diplomat Jorge Dezcállar. The notes and memories of Jorge Dezcállar include his years as ambassador in the Vatican; in Lebanon, after the assassination of the former Spanish leader Pedro de Arístegui, or his mission in the United States and his participation in the Dayton Conference for pacification of the Balkans. Dezcállar was also director of the... - Read more

La nueva novela histórica de Nieves Herrero, Lo que escondían sus ojos ( La Esfera de los Libros )  comienza con la famosa conversación entre la periodista Ana Romero y Carmen Díez de Rivera, en donde esta deja sus memorias grabadas antes de morir y de las cuales se publicó el libro titulado Historia de Carmen: Memorias de Carmen Díez de Rivera (Planeta, 2002). En este libro, la periodista relata... - Read more

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