Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "alfaguara"
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Hugo Burel (Uruguay, 1951) holds a degree in Letters, is a publicist, professor and journalist. He has published 17 books between novels and short stories, among which are Los dados de Dios (God´s Death, Alfaguara 1997), El autor de mis días (The Author of my Days, finalist in the Clarín Award for Novel 2000), El guerrero del crepúsculo (Twilight´s Warrior, Lengua de Trapo Award 2001 and one of the finalists of... - Read more

In 1992 she published her first book of poems, Querrán ponerle nombre, followed by Las palabras de la piedra (1993). Two years later she won the Premio de Poesía "Ciudad de Irún" with Contra el desprestigio de la altura. Some of her poetical works have been included in Tarde tranquila. Omaggio alla poesia, an anthology of poetry published in Italy. She has published the novels Algún amor que no mate (Plaza & Janés,1996), launched in Greece... - Read more

He was born in Mexico, D.F. in 1961. He has a degree in Psychology and a master in Creative Writing for the New Mexico State University. He has published many books. Among his Children and YA fiction titles we can find Los ensebados (1993, Premio Nacional de Novela Juvenil FILIJ), El secreto de Gorco (1994, Premio Nacional de Cuento Infantil FILIJ), Miedo, el mundo de al lado (1994, Premio Nacional de Novela Juvenil FILIJ), Las montañas azules... - Read more

Julio Espinosa Guerra (Santiago, 1974) is a Chilean author. He has published the novels El día que fue ayer (Mago, Chile, 2006) and La fría piel de agosto (Alfaguara, Chile, 2013), the books of poems La soledad del encuentro (Mosquito, Chile, 1999), Las metamorfosis de un animal sin paraíso (LF, Béjar, 2004, Villa de Leganés Prize), NN (Gens, Madrid, 2007, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Prize ), Sintaxis... - Read more

Espido Freire (Spain, 1974) studied music and graduated in Philology from the University of Deusto, where she also got a degree in Editing and Publishing. Espido debuted as a writer with Irlanda ( Ireland , Planeta, 1998), a novel which received the French award Millepage. Donde siempre es octubre ( Where it is always October , Seix Barral) was published in 1999. Six months later she received the Premio Planeta for Melocotones Helados ( Frozen... - Read more

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