Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "cine"
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Sabina Berman was initially recognized as a playwright, four time winner of the National Theatre of Mexico Award along with a dozen critics’ awards. Berman inaugurates a new work practically every two years in Mexico and her works have been toured extensively within the country and in Canada, USA, Central-America and South-America. To mention a few; Entre Pancho Villa y una mujer desnuda ( Between Pancho Villa and a Naked Woman , 1992); Muerte... - Read more

Luis Cerezo (Barcelona, 1969) studied Arts in the Escola Massana and Music at Barcelona’s Liceo. He has combined literature with boxing, musical composition, cameraman, as well as an early career as a jazz musician. For fifteen years he worked as an advertising creative director and film and television screenwriter—activities which he has juggled with musical composition and independent filmmaking.  In 2004, he directs and... - Read more

Dani Figuerola graduated and received a PhD in medicine from the University of Barcelona. The greater part of his professional time he has dedicated to treating patients, and in his spare time, to family and friends, reading, listening to jazz and sailing. He has written several books and a ton of articles on medicine. As a man of letters he has published two books of short stories: Confidences of a Nosy Doctor (with pseudonym, 2004) and... - Read more

Catalina Murillo attended the International Film School (EICTV) in Cuba to study audiovisual scripting, which is where her calling as a storyteller arose. Upon her return from Cuba, she wrote the chronicle of the trip, "Long Cuban Sunday", and finished a career in Communication Sciences at the University of Costa Rica. She soon migrated to Spain, her other homeland. She lived in Madrid for a decade, working as a film and TV scriptwriter, and as... - Read more

Nuria S. Salvador was born in Madrid in 1972, where she is still living. She studied Cinema and Television, and afterwards History. She is the author of the novel “El Tablero del Mundo”, published in Spain by Roca Editorial (2008), and later by Círculo de Lectores (2009). She is also author of two other novels: "Por los Caminos del Agua" and "La Piel del Druida", still unpublished.... - Read more

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