Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Kike Corella was born in the Poblenou neighborhood of Barcelona in 1983. He graduated with degrees in Humanities and Business Management, and later completed a postgraduate degree in Strategic Marketing. He combines writing with long hours of wandering around the city and, additionally, is a professor at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya. Since 2007, he writes articles about culture and travel for publications such as La Clave,... - Read more

Félix J. Palma has been recognized by the critics as one of today´s most brilliant and original short-story writers and has been awarded with the Gabriel Aresti and Miguel de Unamuno awards among others. He has published the short stories collections  El vigilante de la salamandra  ( The Lizard's Keeper, Pre-Textos, 1998), Métodos de supervivencia ( Methods of Survival, Fundación Municipal de Cultura de... - Read more

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