Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "festival"
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The Parnassus, literary congress which annually awards a prize for a master´s best unpublished work, changes venue and looks for a city that will host it in 2007. This festival has a peculiarity: the participants, authentic classics, are all dead. Dante Alighieri, symbolizing the consecrated and supervised by a young North American poet very much in vogue and a Mexican author (main narrator of the novel), will travel to Mexico, the... - Read more

Inspector Oteiza faces the most important case of her career. History, Nazi plundering, intrigue and wine, in a fast-paced investigation that will change her forever. The theft of one of the best preserved mosaics in Europe leads Inspector Oteiza, from the Historical Heritage Brigade of the Judicial Police, to move to a small town in Burgos to investigate the case. Everything changes for her when her boss decides to include her in a highly... - Read more

“A Vampire in Maracaibo (Alfaguara, Premio de la Crítica a la novela 2008 and Premio Municipal de Novela 2010), which will reedited by Ediciones B, Venezuela in 2016 as “A Vampire in the Lake”.  A neurotic professor is behind the scent of a man obsessed with dinking blood to achieve eternal life: a vampire that haunts the hot city of Maracaibo, in Venezuela. A retired detective becomes his ally and best... - Read more

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