The Antonia Kerrigan Agency and its team announce with great sadness the passing of one of the world's most celebrated and beloved authors, Carlos Ruiz Zafón, after two and a half years of harsh disease, which he endured with irony and good temper to its invincible end. We send our heartfelt sympathy to his widow MariCarmen Bellver. Despite this painful loss to his family, friends, and all his readers and publishers across the globe, we know that his extraordinary body of work will... Read more

Madrid:Frontera, by David Llorente, winner of the Dashiel Hammett prize 2017 David Llorente (Madrid, 1972) has won the Dashiell Hammett Prize, awarded during the Semana Negra de Gijón, for his novel Madrid:Frontera (Alrevés). Madrid:Frontera is a disturbing dystopia, a condemning cry for the misery that consumes our present-day society, a disquieting novel that is radical in its approach. The judges note that the winning novel stood out for “its originality and stylistic... Read more

Mujeres que compran flores (Women who buy flowers), by Vanessa Montfort, has become the number 15 on the list of Italian book sales in just a few weeks. Feltrinelli, the publishing house responsible for the translation, has announced a second printing. Read more

Following the huge success of the Italian translation by Mondadori of Carlos Ruiz Zafón´s novel El laberinto de los espíritus, the German translation, published last week by S. Fischer Verlag, immediately went to number two on the Spiegel bestseller list: http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/bestseller-buecher-belletristik-sachbuch-auf-spiegel-liste-a-458623.html Read more

The Argentine Marcelo Luján (Buenos Aires, 1973) has been awarded the Dashiell Hammett, the principal recognition awarded at the Semana Negra de Gijón, for his book Subsuelo (Subsoil), a disturbing and sober thriller that has been considered by the judges as the best book of the noir genre published in Spain in 2015. Luján won the Getafe award in 2009 for “La mala espera”. Visibly emotional, the winner has assured that one of his “childhood dreams has been... Read more

This year marks the first centenary of the birth of writer Camilo José Cela, and has been declared by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture as “an event of special public interest”. For forty-five years, Cela occupied the Chair Q of the Spanish Royal Academy of Language and won the Premio Principe de Asturias de las Letras in 1987, the Premio Cervantes in 1995 and, of course, the Nobel 1989. The jury on this last prize highlighted the “provocative... Read more

The Mexican writer and essayist Sergio Pitol will be awarded the International Prize Alfonso Reyes 2015, in virtue of his valuable cultural, artistic, and literary contributions, and his extensive experience. In a statement, the Organizing Committee of the International Prize Alfonso Reyes announced today that Sergio Pitol is the winner of the award this 2015. It also marks that Pitol is a citizen of the world and at the same time a profound expert on Mexican culture. “He’s the... Read more

The novel 'Subsuelo', by Marcelo Luján, wins the Premio Ciudad de Santa Cruz of the Festival Atlántico Tenerife Noir for the best noir genre novel of the 2015 in Spain.
Ver más en: http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2696533/0/subsuelo-marcelo-luj-premio-ciudad-santa-cruz-tenerife-noir/#xtor=AD-15&xts=467263
http://www.eldigitaldecanarias.net/index.php/cultura/9138-subsuelo-de-marcelo-lujan-premio-ciudad-de-santa-cruz-en-tenerife-noir-2016 Read more

Víctor del Árbol has been awarded the 72nd Nadal Prize, one of the most prestigious awards in Spanish literature, organized by the Destino imprint of Grupo Planeta. The winner book is La víspera de casi todo (The Eve of Almost Everything) In 2006 he won the Tiflos Prize for Literature with El peso de los muertos. With his novel La tristeza del Samurai (Alrevés, 2011), he was the first Spaniard to obtain the Prix du polar Européen, awarded by the French... Read more