Edición Conmemorativa de "Un baile de máscaras" de Sergio Ramírez


The Nicaraguan author Sergio Ramírez celebrates his 70th birthday this year and 50 years as an author. There have been a variety of events; presentations, exhibitions and tributes held in honor of this well known award winning author, including the International Alfaguara Novel Award for his title,; “Margarita, the Sea is Beautiful” in 1998. Uruk Editores, Publishing House in San José, Costa Rica published commemorative edition of the novel “ A Dance of Masks”, winner of the 1998 Laure Bataillon Award for the best foreign language translation in France. Regarding this book, Sergio Ramírez commented; “…this is his favorite novel because it’s the story of his childhood, of his family in Masatepe, and the town where he was born.”

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