Launchof the pocket size edition of “The Land of the Spirits”


Miguel Ruiz Montañez is currently visiting professor for various North American Universities and for more than 10 years is Associate professor at theSanDomingoUniversityof theDominican Republic. Precisely where he had focused his first novel, “Columbus’s Tomb” (2006), story which has been translated in more than 12 languages and has made that author recognized in many countries.

Now, “The Land of the Spirits” is a new literary adventure to this magical island where we are introduced to the surprising reality of this land,Haiti, as unknown as it is fascinating. ç

The novel published in 2011 by the publishing house Martínez Roca, can now also be found in a pocket size edition published for the Collection “Booket” (Editorial Planeta).

Photo: Antonio Rubio

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