New thriller by Juan Gómez-Jurado


The international best seller author, Juan Gómez-Jurado, God´s Spy, The Mosses Expedition and The Traitor´s Emblem comes back with a new frenetic book, TIPPING POINT, that in author´s words is described as: A frantic and vibrant thriller, that won’t give you time to catch your breath and that will make the reader question their position regarding work, honor and family.”

Foreign rights:  

“Author of GOD'S SPY and THE MOSES EXPEDITION, Juan Gomez Jurado's TIPPING POINT, in which a brain surgeon, victim of a criminally terrifying rogue surveillance, is forced to choose between ending the life of the president of the United States or witnessing a horrifying death for his kidnapped daughter at the hands of his implacable pursuer, again to Johanna Castillo at Atria and again to Kirsty Dunseath at Orion, by  The Colchie Agency on behalf of the Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency in Barcelona.

Foreign rights to Planeta in Spain, and to DTV in Germany, in a preempt, by the Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency.” 

                                        Source: Publishers Lunch, October 07, 2013

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