The author Víctor del Ýrbol starts off the new year with important news
The novel La tristeza del samurái, (The Sadness of the Samurai) (Editorial Alrevés, 2011) continues its voyage around the world; accumulating success and recognition. The novel already known and recognized with the award Le Prix Polar Européen in France, has been recently published in paperback format by the publishing house Actes Sud; (La Tristesse du Somouraï). In the upcoming month of February this thriller with accents of historic novel will see the light in Italy through the publishers Arnoldo Mondadori and coming in autumn the novel will be published in Brazil (Companhía das letras), Macedonia (Club Matica) y Poland (Albatros). In Spain, coming on 26th of January the publishing house; Editorial Alrevés will publish the latest novel by Víctor del Árbol; Respirar por la herida (Breath for the pain/ wound). A story where pain and guilt are mixed with the anxiety to live. “It’s possible that god plays dice with our destiny, scattering the pieces of a puzzle that always comes back together one way or another. Respirar por la herida borders the limits of its protagonists with the pressure and psychology dignified of the master that its author, Víctor del Árbol, has converted himself into.” 2013 presents itself as a year filled with great challenges for this author and excellent releases for the readers that follow his work. Interesting links:
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