The best from 2012 in El Cultural supplement magazine
Years end has arrived and with it the various best books lists. The literary critics from the supplement magazine El Cultural from the El Mundo newspaper have voted the best fiction works published over these last 12 months by Spanish and Latin-American authors. The eight professionals from said newspaper have selected their favorite books in order of preference and with which they could rate each of the publications and thus creating their list of the 10 best fiction novels of the year. This year we are pleased to discover at the head of the list the author José María Merino with his latest novel; El río del Edén, (The river from Eden). Ángel Basanta, critic from the cultural supplement notes in his review of the novel; “in El Río del Edén, Merino has completed another gran novel, with a love story various senses (matrimony, father-con, mother-child…), constructed with a good dose of intrigue”. Within the critics selection we also find other works by authors represented by our literary agency; "La tejedora de sombras" (The Shadow Weaver) by Jorge Volpi. "Pasajero K" (Passenger K) by Adolfo García Ortega. More information (in Spanish):
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