Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

news - We present the new features of our authors and their works

'In Spite of It All', soon in French bookstores (and in movie theatres)
"In Spite of It All", soon in French bookstores (and in movie theatres)

In his novel In Spite of It All (Dolmen, 2010), Juan de Dios Garduño portrays a world turned into a wasteland after the Third World War. In Bangor, Maine, there are only three people left; and these three people (Peter, his daughter and his much hated neighbour Patrick) will have to face a threat coming from things that are not precisely people (things in whose existence chemical weapons have had much to do). The French public will get to know their story soon; and this because the publishing house Eclipse is releasing Y pese a todo the 8th of October. This is how its cover looks; with the same title, Welcome to Harmony, as the motion picture that is on its way, and whose trailer will reach our screens (and our nightmares) in October too. Be prepared for an autumn of cold, snow, confrontation and terriying presences...

Tags: in spite of it all - juan de dios garduņo - dolmen - welcome to harmony - eclipse - books - movie - translations - international rights - cinematographic rights

Related author
· Garduņo, Juan de Dios

Related novel
· Y pese a todo

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