Alex Colt 4. La materia oscura
Ref: 9788408205449
Author: Gómez-Jurado, Juan.
Year: 2019.
Editorial: Planeta.
Pages: 304.
You could embark on a new adventure with the group, or solve a problem, who knows?You could discover that if you find a few “chubis” and a space ship, than you could take a jump to interspace, no problem.
You could end-up a prisoner of the “Hylanos”, along with Alex, Havee, Tycho, Blop and Maia. What, who are the “Hylandos”? Well, they aren’t friends nor are they enemies of the Confederation of Planets, which won’t make things any easier for you when they accuse your group of espionage and condemn you to the “Tormenta”. What else could happen?