Amanda Black 7 - El bastón del cuervo
Ref: 9788419048677
Children & YA
Author: Gómez-Jurado, Juan.
Year: 2023.
Editorial: B de Block.
Pages: 192.
I wish everything had happened differently. I don't know if I was overcome with pride or a bad mood because of my argument with Eric and Esme. What I do know is that everything got messed up. Big time!
Director Lennon, the leader of a mysterious secret organization, showed up a few days ago with a tantalizing mission for me: to retrieve a Viking staff that allows me to see the future from the hands of Molrovia, a country ruled by a gang of criminals.
This was the first time I was going to work for someone other than ourselves. And without the help of my best friend. I was hoping I was not making the biggest mistake of my life…
Will Amanda be able to retrieve the magical Viking staff without Eric by her side?