Amanda Black 9 - El camino del ninja
Children & YA
Author: Gómez-Jurado, Juan.
Year: 2023.
Editorial: B de Block.
That evening, nothing made me think that, just a few days later, I was going to meet the coolest person of all the people I know. Nothing made me think I was going to have to let her go either.
When we heard about the earthquake that had hit Japan, it didn't seem serious to me. I was wrong! The tremor, apparently harmless, had produced a series of landslides that had exposed a cave system where a dangerous ancient weapon was hidden. And, of course, someone had to make sure it didn't fall into the wrong hands.
This is how my trip to Japan began, believing it would be one like so many others. I had no way of imagining that this mission would change my life forever.