Amores oscuros

Amores oscuros

Author: Caminals, Roser.
Year: 2003.
Editorial: Lumen.

At times what we call experience is only a generous list of our mistakes, and Mauricio Aldabò has already commited all the mistakes a rich boy can commit. The sudden disappearance of his lover completely changes his routine; if before he was a young and worthy representative of the Catalan middle class, a frequent visitor of the best clubs in Barcelona at the beginning of the 20th century, his obsession in discovering the mystery that surrounds Rita turns him into an introvert who spends his time in the red light district of the city in search of clues. This search will take him to meet the worst and the best to be found on these streets, from the tenderness of a prostitute to the prayers of an extravagant madame. With the resolution of the mystery comes also a new destiny for Mauricio, who during his adventures has discovered the road to a new life. The entire city of Barcelona witnesses this transformation and "grows" together with our hero as if it were a live being, that breathes to the rhythm of history.
