Cuentos lunáticos
“Lunatic Stories” retells, in three short stories, full of magic, the life of the inhabitants and visitors of the moon.
El maleficio de lo cuadrados (The Squares’ Evil Spell) recounts the vicissitudes of the moon’s lions. How one of the lions falls into a crater and, consequently, undergoes a mysterious enchantment. A dream produced by the evil spell of the squares, blue and devoid of imagination. The lizard, that has observed everything from the earth, decides to take a trip using birthday balloon, as his rocket, to save the lion. Upon his arrival, tries everything to cast the evil spell out of his new friend: but the only remedy is the smell of croquettes that reminds it of youth will.
In Cinco Vacas y un telescopio (Five Cows and a Telescope), one night the flying lizard awakens the Fifth cow, to tell it that there are other inhabitants on the moon. Encouraged by the lizard, the Fifth cow abandons the small pink hill in a mysterious manner and will, sometime later, invite its friends to discover the other side of the moon. Meanwhile the lizard, who hasn’t reached the other lions yet, decides to continue its voyage.
Los dragones de la luna (The Moon’s Dragons) tells how Rose and the Wolf are left a parcel from the stork by mistake; a baby dragon that will have to be returned to its parents. This is why Rose and the Wolf build a special apparatus that will take them to the dragons’ territory.