Gabo, cartas y recuerdos
Plinio Apuleyo Menodaza tells us that, sometimes, his friend Gabriel García Márquez, worshiped by millions of readers all over the world, frees himself from the weigh of his own myth and is once again, quite simply, Gabo. This books speaks to us about those moments. Of the authentic Gabo, only known to his most intimate circle. It's an exciting and at times amazing portrait of the Colombian writer, from his beginnings as an aspiring journalist till his definite consecration with the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Moreover, the book includes unpublished letters by Gabo to Plinio, his literary confidant. It is an extremely valuable document, in which the novelist expresses his doubts, difficulties and aspirations during the writing of such masterpieces as One Hundred Years of Solitude or The Autumn of the Patriarch.