

Author: Medina, Maribel.
Year: 2025.
Editorial: Contraluz.

One morning, Sylvie wakes up to find a note informing her that her partner has left her. For the first time in years, she is alone. The weight of daily life crushes her: the sheep and their filth, the rotting vegetables in the garden, the muddy boots, the damp clothes that won’t dry, the fear, and the isolation.

In an attempt to earn some extra money, Sylvie offers her services as a private detective, despite having no experience beyond reading classic crime novels. She becomes entangled in a case involving slaughtered cows, leading her into a story of secrets and pain.

The loneliness of the landscape feels like a hostile wall. She doesn’t know how to be alone. All she feels is hunger, but it’s a false hunger. There is no dignity in her hunger, no empathy or support. It’s a disease that dries out her skin and seeps into her veins. It’s not the abandonment that tortures her, but the certainty that this loneliness will drive her mad.

She soon realizes that the idea of absolute love is a childish fantasy and that, once that story ends, a journey of revenge and transformation begins.

