Todo eso que nos une
Anne Rottenmeier has moved to Frankfurt to become a prestigious cellist. However, it is not as easy as it seems: upon arrival she is forced to take a job as an au pair in a well-to-do family. Here she meets Clara Sesemann, a twelve-year-old girl who has a kidney problem and is afraid of leaving the nest.
For Anne everything is a sign and life is littered with them. This is how she explains it to Coffeeboy, the only friend she makes in the city and who will soon become something more to her. With the firm intention of attaining her dreams, Anne realizes that Clara's dreams also need to become a reality and puts all her efort into it. Althoug, suddenly, the signs seem to go against her: her cello teacher cancels her classes, work in the Sesemann mansion complicates itself ans Clara has an unexpected relapse in her illness. Anne does all that is in her power so that Clara gets well and moves on, althoug she can hardly imagine that her destinies are forever linked.