En el corazón de la ciudad levítica

En el corazón de la ciudad levítica

Author: Magro, Baltasar.
Year: 2011.
Editorial: Roca Editorial.

A fire almost completely destroys a beautiful palace that the Nazis had used as their general headquarters during their occupation in Bohemia. Nikolai Punin, a young captain from the Red Army, discovers next to the charred remains of an immense library a secluded hall with manuscripts that date back to the 16th century that seem to indicate that they came from the Spanish city of Toledo. From here on, unexpected and amazing revelations will transport us from the past to the present until revealing how these lovely note books and folders with the designs of inventions and technological advances that, even today, surprise those who have the good fortune of laying their eyes on them, ended up in the enchanting Duchcov Palace.

Baltasar Magro builds a gripping story, mixture of fiction and reality, beneath the illustrious gaze of the noble Seingalt, sent to Spain by his mason brothers to carry out a secret mission, and whom the reader will accompany on a journey to the bowels of the Levitical City.
