Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

authors - With over 30 years of experience, we represent 150 authors from different literary styles

Primer amor

Year: 2001
Editorial: Temas de Hoy
Language: Español, Catalán
Synopsis: "There is no greater love than the first, which is remembered time after time". This is the opening sentence of Primer Amor (First Love), an essay where Espido explores the different types of first love related to fairy-tale characters. Nowadays love is not a fairy-tale story, but more a social fiction, based on traditional roles and behaviours. How to fight against this?

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other works of the author -

Donde siempre es octubre Donde siempre es octubre
Seix Barral, 1999
La flor del norte La flor del norte
Planeta, 2011
Nos espera la noche Nos espera la noche
Alfaguara, 2003
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