Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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El menor espectáculo del mundo

Palma, Félix J.

El menor espectáculo del mundo

Year: 2010
Editorial: Páginas de Espuma
Language: Español, Catalán
Published at: Rowohlt Verlag (Germany)
Synopsis: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the smallest spectacle in the world!

Hold your breath and witness the most amazing wonders: meet the incredible man that communicates with a ghost by writing messages on the door of bar’s rest-room, the extraordinary she cat in love with her neighbor, the encyclopedia salesman who ends up impersonating the son of one of his clients, the fabulous girl who receives letters from her lost doll, the remarkable man who splits at every decision he takes, and an entire troupe of wonderful creatures that will bring pleasure to the entire family. Only a writer as extraordinary as Félix J. Palma could pull off a triple somersault to find the most absurd side of our existence and leads us, with an imaginative writing, sown with troves and unforgettable images, towards that magical territory where poetry and delirium, melancholy and humor reside. Come on through, ladies and gentlemen, and read these nine stories regarding the most universal theme in literature, love, the world’s smallest spectacle because it can only be seen by two spectators at one same time. Can you hear the drums roll?

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